5 Reasons Affordable Mental Health Matters For Sexual Abuse Survivors

Rachel Thompson
7 min readSep 30, 2021

Why helping survivors is important for everyone.

Most people don’t get involved in a cause until it affects them or someone they love. That’s how our brains, and hearts, work. We can only take, and do, so much.

As a childhood sexual abuse survivor at age eleven, who reported and testified (twice) against my abuser, this is my cause. Trauma. Survivorship. Healing.

I write about it (three books so far), created a chat to help others know they’re not alone (#SexAbuseChat on Twitter, every other Tuesday at 10 am pst), write blog posts, articles, sit on panels, speak, etc.

You name it, I do it — because we have nothing to be ashamed of, we survivors. We did nothing wrong.

So why am I writing about mental health? Because, on average, estimates put the economic cost of sexual violence in the United States in the trillions of dollars, primarily due to the aftereffects of abuse. Survivors need to be supported and believed when, in fact, we rarely are (another contributor to our mental well-being — or lack thereof). Let’s break it down.

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Rachel Thompson
Rachel Thompson

Written by Rachel Thompson

Author, 8 books. Writer: Start It Up, Writing Coop, Better Humans. Childhood sexual assault survivor/advocate. Book Marketer http://BadRedheadMedia.com

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